Day 138

September 29, 2010 at 7:25 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , )

Symptoms: sore boobs, fatigue

Cravings: none

Weight: 67.5 kg /148.5

Food Aversions: the smell of potatoes, all candy, chocolate, milk

Mood: drained

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says:  Moms should elevate their feet and legs when resting or sitting to help with swelling.

I was looking at my daughter today. She is a busy busy just about 7 month old. She is the energizer bunny. She has ants in her pants all the time! I just don’t understand how she can go go go all day long! It is not fair! I think today I was even a tad bit jealous of all her energy she had. At one point I even asked her if she would like to share. I got a loud “Bagaaaaaaa” in reply. I have no idea what that meant, but afterwards she turned away from me and crawled over to the TV to try and pull the PlayStation off the shelf. So not only will she not share her energy, she uses her excess to keep me on my toes and therefore ensuring I have no energy what-so-ever. Again… not fair! Oh well, at least most of the time she makes me smile.

As far as pregnancy symptoms have gone, today I really did not have any but extreme fatigue. I was pretty much falling asleep by 5pm. It is now 9:15pm and I have no idea why I am not in bed sleeping. I was considering not posting, but my guilty conscience told me I must blog. I am feeling the boy move around more, but still not very much. I think he is spending a lot of time kicking my back, as it is a bit sore. Any kicks I do feel are all very very low. I hope he moves up a little bit to perhaps more around my belly button… right in the middle. I don’t want a growing baby dancing on my cervix or bladder… ouch!!! Nor do I want him to be like my daughter and hang out up under my ribs and play all day. I think I am asking too much though. He is going to hand out where every he wants to!

Pregnant Me

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Day 137

September 28, 2010 at 5:37 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , )

Symptoms: sore boobs, contractions, heartburn, morning sickness, round ligament pain, dizziness

Cravings: none

Weight: 67.5 kg /148.5

Food Aversions: the smell of potatoes, all candy, chocolate, milk

Mood: drained

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says:  Baby can grasp things.

Today was an okay day, although I was pretty tired all day long. I also had one really bad dizzy spell.

My husband and I went out for dinner. It was nice to go out, however dinner just isn’t as fun when almost all food tastes horrible. I think I had the most boring thing on the menu: Chicken breast with salad from the salad bar. There were so many more appetizing things on the menu, however I felt what was the point ordering something that would taste bad and risk the chance of not being about to eat it. Oh well, my salad was good. Nothing special about it either, but some veggies seemed liked a really good choice. I didn’t even get dessert since this baby seems to not want me to eat anything sweet of chocolatey. The sad part is that every time I see chocolate I go ‘mmmmm.. I want some!” then I remember that at the moment it tastes horrible. I think I just want it because I can’t have it.

Other than that not much to report today.

Pregnant Me

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Day 136

September 27, 2010 at 3:35 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: sore boobs, contractions, heartburn, morning sickness, round ligament pain

Cravings: none

Weight: 67.5 kg /148.5

Food Aversions: the smell of potatoes, all candy, chocolate, milk

Mood: drained

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says:  baby’s skin becomes less transparent.

So this weekend we had some family over. My husband’s brother and his wife and their 2 month old baby came down to visit and help us move our apartment around.  Overall it was a good weekend. We got really lucky with some nice weather on Saturday. Unfortunately from the moment I woke up Saturday I was having contractions. I decided to keep going on with my day and tried to just push through them. We decided to walk downtown, and we spent most of the day outside. There were a few times where I had to stop for a moment and breathe through the contraction. By the end of the day I was exhausted and pretty sore. Regardless of being in pain all day, I enjoyed the day and being outside in the sun. Luckily by Sunday morning the contractions had gone away. I just don’t know what to make of them. Lets just hope this little boy stays in me long enough.

Today I feel drained. I am tired and morning sickness seems to be bothersome. I haven’t thrown up for a couple of weeks, but today I almost did. Actually as I write this I feel as if I could. I feel as if this baby is sucking the life right out of me! I am now really feeling the physical drain of getting pregnant again so soon. I just keep reminding myself that this is what I wanted though. I am finally feeling the baby move and kick more, and that really helps. However heartburn has returned (this was by far my worst symptom with my daughter). So far it is manageable. I just pray that it stays that way!

I can’t believe at the end of this week I will be half way there. Even though I feel miserable all the time, I am starting to get excited again. I can’t wait to have both my children together! I also can’t wait to get my body back! Since I have managed to get out and walk a bit over the last few days I have lost a pound, so putting my total weight gain at 1 pound at 19 weeks. However I am pretty sure this one pound is just from sitting around for 2 weeks and I am well in range for normal weight fluctuations. I am starting to worry that I am just suddenly gonna start packing on the pounds and blow up like the girl who turns into a blueberry on Willy Wonka. I don’t think the skin on my tummy could manage it well. I already have some nice beautiful stretch marks from my daughter. I would like to not gain anymore, however I don’t have high hopes in that department.

Pregnant Me

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Day 132

September 23, 2010 at 2:38 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: sore boobs, round ligament pain, some contractions

Cravings: none

Weight: 68 kg /149.6

Food Aversions: the smell of potatoes, all candy, chocolate, there was something else that grossed me out today but I can’t remember what it was.

Mood: excited

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says:  Moms may experience bleeding gums when brushing teeth.

So today was the big ultrasound, and as you know I was pretty nervous going into it. Well I am over it. All is well with the baby. I think it looked pretty cramped in there, and compared to our daughter this one looks to be bigger, but I forgot to ask. The ultrasound tech was also the best we had! She was awesome, she didn’t rush through it and explained everything she was looking at. It was very detailed and very interesting.

So I bet you are all dying to know the sex right? Well…. It’s a Boy! My husband did not want to know the sex, and I am so surprised that he didn’t figure it out during the ultrasound. When the tech was heading down to check, the baby put its butt up and a flash of my well endowed son popped onto the screen. The tech quickly moved away and said Um…. if you don’t want to know you should close your eyes now… I need to um… measure something. My husband totally did not see, and totally did not get it. It was so obvious what it was, I can’t believe how long that thing is right now! Looked more like third leg. We finished up and headed out to the car.

On the way home, not even 5 minutes after we left the hospital I say ‘Damn, I should have asked her how big he is.” Whoops! I felt horrible, and in some ways feel a bit ashamed of myself for not even keeping the secret more than an hour. So the gig is up, my husband knows he is getting a son. Although he has decided to pretend that he doesn’t know, and that I haven’t told him anything. I apologized to him right away, and he kind of laughed at me and said it was fine. He said he expected to be told by someone before the due date anyways, but he did expect me to last longer than I did. Oh well, I can’t change it now!

As for general pregnancy news, not much happening. It was really nice today and I finally got up the guts to exercise a bit. For the last two weeks I have done none because of the contractions, but today I just needed to get out. So we all went for a walk down to the harbor. Every little hill completely put me out of breath! I was pretty sweaty and tired once we got home too. I really need to get back to walking every day again.

Pregnant Me

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Day 131

September 22, 2010 at 4:24 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: contractions, nausea, round ligament pain, crazy dreams, swelling, sore boobs

Cravings: McFlurry (my wonderful husband is out getting me one right now)

Weight: 68 kg /149.6

Food Aversions: the smell of potatoes, all candy, chocolate, there was something else that grossed me out today but I can’t remember what it was.

Mood: fair

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says:  Moms may have a white vaginal discharge known as leukorrhea.

I am finally experiencing a pregnancy symptom that I enjoy: crazy dreams. Now I won’t go into the details but last nights dream involved, teachers, dead bodies, cafe’s, bio-diesel cars, special abilities and a catapult. Best dream every! Completely strange though, but that is what makes them so fun.

Other symptoms I have that I am not enjoying are 1. Sore boobs. May do my boobs really hurt at times! They also leak from time to time (not too much, just a little). I am hoping I can take this as a sign that I will be able to make enough milk this time around. 2. Swelling.. um.. down there. My crotch feels like it is as swollen as it was after birth at times. For anyone who has given birth vaginally will know this is really uncomfortable. It is kind of like walking around with a balled up sock in your underwear, at least that is what it reminds me off. Oh how I love pregnancy.

Is it February yet??

I was reading fellow blogger : mamanaturale latest post. She just found out the sex of her baby. After reading her post I got excited for my ultrasound tomorrow. I can’t wait to see the baby and find out if it a boy or girl. Unfortunately my husband won’t be able to come into the room since he has to watch our daughter. I am a little sad about this, but we don’t have anyone around tomorrow who can watch her.

Well I am off to relax for the evening. I will update you all on the ultrasound tomorrow.

Pregnant Me

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Day 130

September 21, 2010 at 5:52 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: contractions, nausea

Cravings: none

Weight: 68 kg /149.6

Food Aversions: the smell of potatoes, all candy, chocolate, there was something else that grossed me out today but I can’t remember what it was.

Mood: fair

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says:  Baby may assume favorite positions.

Today was not a bad day. Some contractions, a couple really bad ones, but for the most part uneventful. We did go to a second hand story that smelt horrible and that brought on a wave of nausea and they were lucky I managed to make it out of there. A minute longer and I am sure I would have barfed up my mac and cheese breakfast on the floor. Other than that my husband and I have spent the day cleaning, although since it looked like a war zone in my apartment, it really does not look a whole lot different then when we started this morning. That is okay though, I will work my magic in the morning.

I have finally started to feel some movement, so I am feeling a little less nervous about my ultrasound on Thursday and a little more excited. I can’t wait to find out the sex. I have a feeling it is going to be a girl just because I want a boy. However, I now also want a girl because I found a name I love. Either way I should walk out of the appointment excited. My belly has also stopped its shrinking act and is growing.  I feel that there is a huge difference from my 16 week picture and my 18 week picture:

I was feeling that I was looking more fat than pregnant. Then I took these pictures. I no longer thing I look fat! It is just a same I am wearing the most unflattering underwear and pants in these pictures! You can’t really see it too much in these pictures, but a full length picture of me is horrible. All bulgy in all the wrong places. Oh well… at least I have an excuse right now!

Pregnant Me

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Days 128 & 129

September 20, 2010 at 2:32 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , )

Symptoms: some contractions, bladder infection, morning sickness, exhaustion

Cravings: none

Weight: 68 kg /149.6

Food Aversions: the smell of potatoes, all candy, chocolate

Mood: neutral

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says:  Try talking to your baby. Baby can hear you.

I was soooo sick yesterday. Morning sickness all day long. It sucked, plain and simple. Today has been okay. We are working on cleaning up the apartment, reorganizing and getting ready to move some rooms around this coming weekend. I finally managed to get my husband to give the bathroom a good clean. Only one problem, he did not realize how strong AJAX is. The entire apartment reeked of the stuff for a good couple of hours. To the point where our eyes were burning even with all the windows and doors open. I am now trying to relax. I have been having contractions on and off since I woke up this morning, but all the cleaning up has made them a little worse. Other than that I really do not have much to report on the pregnancy front. I feel like my days are filled with the same thing; either morning sickness or contractions or both. I feel that I am so lucky to have my husband home right now to help out with our daughter.

In other news, I made another blog (yes another one!) This one is featuring birthstories. You can check it out here: Are You Here Yet . If any of you would like to share a birth story, let me know I would love to hear it!

Pregnant Me

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September 18, 2010 at 2:21 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: some contractions, bladder infection, morning sickness, exhaustion

Cravings: none

Weight: 68 kg /149.6

Food Aversions: the smell of potatoes, all candy

Mood: a bit stressed

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says: Baby’s crown to rump length is 15 cm or 6 inches. Baby weights about 250 grams or 8.5 ounces.

So I have developed a chronic condition. It is called ‘eat dinner and crash’ syndrome. The last few nights, I eat my dinner (have only enjoyed dinner 50% of the time.. stupid morning sickness) head to the couch to watch a T.V. show with the husband and I crash. I am lucky if I make it to 8pm. It is because of this syndrome I did not post yesterday. I remember sitting there think hmmm I should really post on my blog before I fall asleep and I am sure not 5 minutes after said thought I was asleep. So much for getting that second trimester energy boost!

Yesterday marked 18 weeks for me. At times it feels like it has gotten here really quickly, other times I feel like I should be so much farther along. I am totally done with being pregnant. I am over the morning sickness. Like come on, 18 weeks and still having morning sickness not fair. I am trying to think of it as a good thing. Trying to think of it as an indicator that the baby is still in there kicking. I will know on Thursday for sure, but that is still so far away. This bladder infection is also just craptastic. The antibiotics just make the morning sickness worse, and I have to head to bed after I take them just to make sure I keep my food down. I just remembered, I need to go get some more calcium since my dairy intake is 0 right now. I had some, but found out that between it and my prenatal I was taking too much vit. D. Who knew.

As for the contractions. They seem to come and go as the please. I did not have a single one yesterday, just a lot of pain from the bladder infection. Today I have had a few and I am currently in bed waiting for them to calm down. They are not to bad at the moment, but feel much worse if I stand up.

I am also having problems with bloating. I go up and down 4 pounds depending on how much water I take in. Today I haven’t drunk much so I am up 2 pounds from my starting weight, but if I load on the water, I go back down, so at 18 weeks I still have not gained weight. I’m not going to complain about it though, as long as I don’t blow up a lot later! My tummy has already suffered enough stretch marks from my daughter.

Pregnant Me

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Day 125

September 16, 2010 at 5:10 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , )

Symptoms: cramps, morning sickness, contractions, bladder infection

Cravings: none

Weight: 68 kg /149.6

Food Aversions: the smell of potatoes, all candy

Mood: a bit stressed

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says: Ask your doctor or midwife for safe over the counter medications to take for heartburn.

I am doing horrible at posting! I was having lots of contractions last night, then got hit with some wicked morning sickness, so I crashed early. I know, I know, I always have an excuse.

So today I was having contractions and finally decided to go see the doctor. Well, what a pointless waste of time that is. I was told that basically that since it is still early in the pregnancy, they couldn’t do anything if there was anything wrong anyways, so there was no point in sending me to the hospital to have my contractions monitored. She did feel my uterus and see if she could irritate it, but of course I did not have a contraction in the 1 minute she was doing that. She felt that since I had a bladder infection, that was probably the cause of the spotting (and I agree with that) and that I should treat the bladder infection and see how things go.  So that is where I am. Still having contractions, but can doing nothing about it but worry. Being told to wait and see what happens is not reassuring at all.

I can’t wait for my ultrasound to at least find out if all is well with the baby. I am going to be on edge until I have it, but at least I know that they scan over the cervix at the ultrasound, so if anything is happening there I should know about it then.

Pregnant Me

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Day 123

September 14, 2010 at 4:33 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: cramps, morning sickness (yes you read that correctly…)

Cravings: none

Weight: 68 kg /149.6

Food Aversions: nothing is standing out at the moment

Mood: mentally exhausted.

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says: Baby’s teeth are beginning to form enamel.

I know it has been a long time since I have posted. I was in need of an internet break. For the last few days I did not email, write on any blogs or forums and only occasionally checked facebook.

As those who follow this blog, I had my first midwife appointment last week. I have to admit that I left it more frustrated than calmed. I had so many questions as to what I could expect in regards of labor this time around, but since I had a messed up labor last time I was told there was really no way of predicting, not even a little bit. They say that the second time around you usually go earlier and faster. Neither of these we can even assume since it sounds as if my body was trying to go into labor from 37 weeks and failed. Since my body basically flat out refused to go into active labor on it’s own, there is no way to judge what it would do on its own. Yes the drugs make the contractions more intense, however they usually do not make labor go any faster than normal as what happened in my case. In other words they just don’t know.

My sudden weight gain and lack of weight gain overall they said not to even think about. When I wanted to know when I should maybe be concerned, they again had no answer.

When I mentioned the lack of movement after feeling movement regularly, I got the whole it is still early and this is normal. And since they do not listen for the heartbeat the first appointment and I have an ultrasound soon anyways, there was really nothing they could do to make me feel better about that. Great….

One positive from my appointment: I can have my homebirth. My husband is still a bit unsure and wants a bit more time before we decided 100%, but for the moment I am assuming that is the route to go. Now I just need to figure out where I can buy a birthing pool and pump that is not going to cost me an arm and leg.

A couple of days before my appointment I started having contractions. Not Braxton Hicks contractions, but real, kind of painful contractions. I brought this up with them. This did concern them a bit. At that point I was only having them a couple of times a day, so I was directed to relax as much as possible over the next couple of weeks, and if they have not gone away after that then I should go see my doctor. Also to call him right away if they become regular or in a pattern. Even though my husband is now home all the time finding time to relax completely is difficult. This weekend was no exception. We had to make a trip to the in-laws, where our church is (where we got married) and hold my daughters christening. Busy, busy. Friday I had contractions all afternoon and evening. Saturday I had them on and off all day. Sunday I had a tiny tiny bit of pink spotting. I know spotting can be normal, however given the circumstances this worried me, so I was pretty anti-social the entire time and left it up to my husband and mother in-law to do all the hosting while I just sat around. Monday I had a little bit more spotting, but less contractions and the spotting had not gotten any worse (it was really just pink tinged discharge, so not even full on spotting).

Today contractions have been at a minimum, so far only one. No pink either, so I am taking that as a good sign. However I did have a pretty good bought of morning sickness this morning and almost puked, but managed to keep it down.

On Friday I hit 17 weeks. I can’t believe that I am almost 18 weeks and I am still not feeling the baby move all that much. I maybe get one kick a day that feels more like a muscle twitch, so I am not 100% sure.

I guess I will know for sure whats going on in there next week when I have my ultrasound.

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