Days 67 – 75

July 24, 2010 at 7:22 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: exhaustion, morning sickness, cramps, round ligament pain, bladder infection

Weight: 66kg/145.2 lb

Cravings: none

Food Aversions: Meat, any liquid other than water or coke


Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says: skipping meals because of morning sickness will likely make nausea worse. Eat small meals instead.

Well I am back. Finally. I am sorry it’s been so long since I have posted. It has actually really bothered me that I have not been able to post. I was not able to get on the internet long enough over the last week to post. I will try and catch you all up as short as I can.

First I have a nice little story of last Friday. My morning sickness was not so great that day. At one point I was feeding my daughter a bottle. Now, if I pull the bottle out of her mouth before she is done she will freak. This was of course when I had to puke. So there I was, sitting on the floor of my bathroom in front of the toilette, feeding my daughter a bottle and puking. How highgentic (why can’t I spell this word?), I know. This also happened to be the time that I really needed to pack for our trip up to the family summer house. In the end I did manage.

As most of you know, the baby shower for my Brother and Sister in law was that weekend. It all went well. Everyone was civil and my cupcakes where a hit. It’s a good thing we had the baby shower when we did because the baby decided she wanted to come 2 weeks early. We welcomed a new addition to the family on Wednesday. She is tiny, but so cute. I am so excited to be an auntie.

As for the rest of my time, well, I have to say it has not been all that great. My morning sickness is getting worse and worse by the day. At first I would just dry heave once or twice a day, then it progressed to multiple times a day with only stomach acid and foam coming up. Now I can’t seem to keep anything down from morning until mid-afternoon. In the process I have lost 2 pounds. I have also developed a good aversion to pretty much all meat except chicken. It all tastes horrible now. The same goes for any liquid other than water and coke. Even my faithful ginger ale tastes bad. To top it all off I have a bad bladder infection which is causing me quite a bit of pain in my belly, and keeping the antibiotics down today was a problem. I am pretty much a train wreak at the moment. I am praying that the morning sickness starts easing soon.

I had my first doctors appointment yesterday. It was very anti-climatic. He told me I looked not good (I had thrown up 3 times before my 9am appointment), took my blood pressure and blood and that was pretty much it. Since I just had a baby there was no need for a pelvic exam since I just had one at my 8 week postpartum check up. He also did not check to see the size of my uterus to my disappointment. He said there is really no point since I just had a baby and right now my uterus size probably is not in correlation with baby size anyways. I was pretty unhappy about this, I wanted to know where it is at. I am pretty sure I can feel it just bellow my belly button, and if that’s the case its pretty darn big right now regardless. Twins run in the family. I guess I just have to wait and find out at the ultrasound. I am now in the system, so I should find out when my ultrasound is sometime next week. All I know is that it has to be done by the 14th of August.

I am feeling a wave a nausea coming on, so I think I am gonna end there. I think I have pretty much summed up they last week. Basically I have been sick, sick, sick.  I should be on my regular schedule of posting everyday again now.

Until tomorrow

Pregnant Me

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Day 53 and 54

July 3, 2010 at 8:27 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: Morning Sickness, exhaustion

Weight: not sure

Cravings: nothing, everything is turning me off…

Mood: annoyed

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says: Baby’s sex glands appear. Baby’s mouth, nose and lips are recognizable.

I had every intention of posting last night. Here’s what happened. We all decided to sit down and watch a movie (we = my brother, sister-in-law and I). I was thinking that I would be able to post afterwards. Well, as soon as the movie ended I hear a little scream from the bedroom. It seems that my daughter had decided that she couldn’t possible sleep without me, so I went to bed before I could post. Interesting story? Probably not.

Today is the first day where I am really feeling negative about being pregnancy. I have had the words ‘this really sucks’ running through my mind all day so far. I also think today is the closest I have gotten to actually throwing up. I am just praying that I don’t feel like this when I fly back home next weekend.

This morning my husband also told me that he doesn’t want to find out the sex of the baby. I asked him if I still could. He said we will talk about it. I know lots of people say it’s nice to have the surprise at the end. But honestly for me, I would hate not knowing. I love knowing, for me it makes it just that more exciting. I’m the same way about my gifts. I hate not knowing what my gifts are. I also would love to have a boy this time around, and if I didn’t know I would spend my entire pregnancy hoping it was a boy and be disappointed in the end if it turned out to be a girl. There are so many other emotions going on when a baby is born, and gender disappointment is something I would preferred to avoid if I can. Don’t get me wrong, I would love another baby girl too, but hoping for something for 9 months then getting something else would be a bit difficult for me. What do you all think?

Pregnant Me

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Day 45

June 25, 2010 at 1:07 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: morning sickness, fatigue

Weight: not sure

Cravings: none

Mood: depressed most of the morning, happy in the afternoon

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says: Baby is C shaped now and has a tail.

Well the morning sickness wasn’t to bad at all today. A little be queasy in the afternoon, but over all a good day on that front. I was actually starving at dinner time, something that hasn’t occurred for the last few days. However, once I started eating my stomach decided it wasn’t starving at all, regardless I made myself eat the entire plate.

I was pretty depressed, or I should say emotional this morning. I am frustrated beyond belief with my BIL’s wife. I send her a message a couple of weeks ago explaining my feelings and how I felt she treated with me with my last pregnancy etc, and she hasn’t bothered to send me a message back. It seems pregnant me and her don’t mix. Anything back would be nice. Even if it was “I don’t agree”, “I’m sorry you feel this way”, or “your a crazy bitch and I hate you”, its this nothing at all that is worse. I don’t know what I am going to do when I see her next. She obviously wants to ignore the situation and go on pretending I guess. I also have this other issue. I am throwing her  a baby shower (its a surprise and she doesn’t know about it) and I don’t think she would want me there if she had the choice. I know that if I dislike someone, especially because they got pregnant before me and again before I could even give birth to my first I probably wouldn’t want them at my baby shower (which by the way I never got…).  I would not go since I believe, but for one it would be impossible to explain it to the family as they would never believe me that she doesn’t like me, and two, I am throwing the damn thing! Some of you may wonder why I would go out of my way to throw someone who was extremely non-supportive during my pregnancy a baby shower. Well, there is simply no one else to do it, and just because she was a bitch to me doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve one, so I’m doing it.

Well there is my vent about that. The afternoon was okay, and I did get over my depresson of the morning. I also took a new picture for you all to see.

As you can see I am starting to get a little round bump already. If I compare the 6 week picture with the bump pictures of my last one I am looking about 15 weeks pregnant already.

Pregnant Me

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Days 28 and 29

June 8, 2010 at 6:30 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Symptoms: cramps, frequent urination, sore boobs, increased vaginal discharge, morning sickness

Weight: 67kg / 147.4

Cravings: Chocolate and Cheese Sandwich

Mood: excited and nervous

Daily Pregnancy Calendar Says: If you have a 28 day cycle, you should note an absence of your menstrual cycle today. Baby is approximately 1mm long.

Well I am sorry I did not post yesterday. I just got busy, then went out with a friend for dinner and a movie. It was my first night out since giving birth, so it was a big deal! It was so nice to get out! Oh and Aunt Flo did not visit me yesterday! And guess what, she won’t be stopping by for a while!

That’s right, its official now. I’M PREGNANT! I couldn’t be more happy and excited, yet at the same time more nervous. What was I thinking, two babies under the age of 2, hell for a couple weeks they will be both under the age of 1! I know I can do it, but the thought is intimidating! However I am excited that my babes will only be about 11 months apart.

I was also really nervous about announcing it to family today. For one I don’t want people to be judgmental. Yes we are having another baby, yes I got pregnant only 3 months after giving birth, yes it was planned! I would have preferred to wait until 12 weeks to announce, however there are some issues around this. My brother-in-laws wife is due to give birth in my 12 weeks and we feel that this would have been a bad time to announce. This is their first baby as well. The situation is a bit stickier than it seems. You see the week before I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter they suffered their second miscarriage. They/she did not take news of my pregnancy well. For one they are the oldest, so should have had kids first, second it was the first grand-baby and great-grand-baby of the family. So in many ways we weren’t just pregnant, but taking something that they/she felt was theirs. Basically the wife wanted nothing to do with me and pregnancy became a taboo subject with the family. This really took away from the experience for me, and in many ways ruined it for me. So here I am, pregnant with my second child before she has given birth to her first. I am sure she will not be impressed with me (not that she has been at all over the last year or so).

So to be sensitive to them, as we always do, we have announced it now, so that when the time comes for their bundle of joy to join the world all the attention can be on them, as always.

There are many reason as to why I would have likes not to announce yet. Getting pregnant so soon after giving birth can be risky, and even though my doctor gave me the go ahead and said she doesn’t see and complications in my future, it is still something that weighs on me. And god forbid something is wrong at that 12 week appointment we will be loosing a child at the same time that another one was joining the family. This would not only be hard on us, but also the whole family, and to be honest I would like to spare them the hurt if this turned out to be the case.

But enough of that! I am positive! I am young! I am going to have another beautiful baby in my arms come February!!

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